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On 1 août 2023 à 13:00:55 TU, Gravatar user_d4c:
  • Changed the license of Antenne relais - Métropole to Open Data Commons Open Database License 1.0 (previously other-closed)

  • Added the following fields to Antenne relais - Métropole

    • uploader with value spe
    • date_deposit with value 2023-08-01
    • data_interop with value 0
    • responsible-organisation-1 with value {"organisation-role":"","organisation-name":"","contact-info":{"email":"","individual-name":"","position-name":"","phone":"","address":"","postal-code":"","city":"","country":""}}
    • date_modification with value 2023-08-01
    • frequency-of-update with value annually

  • Removed the following fields from Antenne relais - Métropole

    • contact_mail
    • territory
    • dont_visualize_tab
    • display_versionning
    • LinkedDataSet
    • Picto
    • disable_fields_empty
    • default_visu

  • Changed value of field date_dataset to 2021-08-03 (previously 2022-01-26) in Antenne relais - Métropole

  • Changed value of field themes to ["amenagement_du_territoire_urbanisme_equipement"] (previously ["telecommunication"]) in Antenne relais - Métropole