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Lignes de transport du réseau TouGo
Données et ressources
Info additionnelle
Champ | Valeur |
Source | |
Dernière modification | novembre 18, 2024, 14:14 (TU) |
Créé le | février 22, 2023, 14:45 (TU) |
FTP_API | hub |
bbox-east-long | |
bbox-north-lat | |
bbox-south-lat | |
bbox-west-long | |
data_interop | 0 |
data_rgpd | 0 |
date_dataset | |
date_deposit | 2023-08-03 |
date_modification | 2023-08-03 |
date_moissonnage_last_modification | 2023-02-22T14:45:38.785570 |
donnees_source | |
edition_security | {"roles":["administrator"],"users":["*119*","*116*","*1*"]} |
encoding | UTF-8 |
features | geo,table |
frequence | |
frequency | trimestrial |
harvest_object_id | 71a4c82c-954c-40f4-8812-dd0da311325d |
harvest_source_id | f55e025c-84c6-4c12-8d40-9e78806fd207 |
harvest_source_title | TEST GRENOBLE |
mention_legales | |
nb_download | 00000021 |
nb_views | 00000097 |
producer | |
records_count | 0000000023 |
responsible-organisation-1 | {"organisation-role":"","organisation-name":"","contact-info":{"email":"","individual-name":"","position-name":"","phone":"","address":"","postal-code":"","city":"","country":""}} |
spatial | |
spatial-text | Le Gresivaudan |
themes | ["transport_et_mobilite"] |
uploader | spe |